February 16, 2011

We are United!

Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself. Your body and mind will become clear and you will realize the unity of all things. Dogen

We’ve spent the past few days at Fluid Towers reflecting on the deeper things in life (yes we can be deep) and with the wave of positive nationalism and change sweeping Africa, we cannot help but think on our great nation and the agents of change it requires for a better, brighter and stronger future. As we went along, we felt that the strength of the concept of unity was an inspiring  aspect to consider. Unity in experience, in language, in culture, in values and norms. But what we found most intriguing was the religious understanding of unity found in Kabbalah, Islam, and the Baha’i Faith.

These three religions highlight the ‘oneness of man’, emphasising on the equality and the idea that before God all people, irregardless of race, gender and age stand equal before God. Baha’i’s believe in the ‘singleness of humanity’ and this ties in experiences that are felt by one directly impact those of the other.

If we are to take these theories to heart and believe that our brother’s experience results in an impact on our sister’s reality, then shall we as people be more sensitive of our actions towards ourselves and others?

We are all united whether we choose to accept this or not. A drought in one part affects the other, a strong economy in Nairobi does affect Mombasa. Assisting the community in one part allows for one educated and healthy child to change a village, a town, a country. Incrementally the little things we do go a long, long way.

We as a team at Fluid Towers look forward to driving a united and peaceful change. Of all our t-shirt purchases we support Mama Fatuma’s home with 100 KSH per tee. Make a change today with us by supporting this cause or identifying one of your own.

Have a lovely week!

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