February 3, 2011

Memories of the good old days

Sometimes the nostalgia of the good old days hits you, the days when all you had in mind was running off at 7am to play Kati with the neighborhood gang. Or afternoons spent pulling at your KCC car, home made with the slippers or bottle tops that were considered 'rubbish' turned into little wheels that flew on the dusty sands.

Remember this?

Yes those were the days, simple, fun and un-pretentious. When the taste of Goody-Goody and Patco in your mouth could not be compared to any other pleasure. When Blue-Band came in a metal container and KBC began way past noon. Remember those days? These were the times of Rambo, who's exploits were trapped in a video tape that sometimes got chewed in your VCR to your disgust and misery.

Sometimes at Fluid Towers we can't help but think that children these days have really missed out on the simple pleasures of life (yes we know we sound old)... While watching them, and many times joining them on their game consoles, we wonder if they will have the same priceless memories that were shared across almost all Kenyan homes, rich or poor?


  1. I think kids are inundated with too much visual and audio stimulation on screen based gadgets and games that they've forgotten how to make life fun for themselves. :-( Such a pity.
    Thankfully, we have something called 'shags'. I intend to send my kids there every few months, to get dirty, to get curious, and to get creative. No TV, no radio, no games. Just them and the wild outdoors!

  2. Interesting post

